Tag: horse

Two horses pull buggy

James A. Latour drives horse and buggy in Saranac Lake

James A. Latour drives a horse and buggy. Latour was a prominent businessman in Saranac Lake, operating a livery and then later a coal and feed business. Circa 1900. Saranac Lake, NY. Photo courtesy of Tuffield Latour.  

Hotel Ampersand stagecoach in Saranac Lake

Hotel Ampersand’s stagecoach loaded with guests in downtown Saranac Lake. Standing near the rear wheel is Tuffield Latour, stagecoach driver and livery owner. Standing on the wheel is his son James A. Latour, who later became a prominent local businessman and New York State Assemblyman. Taken around 1903. Saranac Lake, NY. Photo courtesy of Tuffield Latour.   […]

Erica Burns with horse Clover

North Country School Barn Manager with horse in Lake Placid

The North Country School’s Barn Manager Erica Burns with Clover, one of the school’s horses. Lake Placid, NY. March 2021. Photo by Andy Flynn. Burns has been the barn manager at the North Country School for over three years. Check out her North Country at Work story here.

Carl Tracy trucking a team of horses in West Stockholm

Carl Tracy trucking a team of horses in West Stockholm

Carl Tracy trucking a team of horses with his son Warren Tracy. West Stockholm, NY. Circa 1930s. Carl Tracy was a farmer, but ran a trucking business as well to make ends meet. The truck pictured here was Carl’s third truck, an International. Photo donated by Darren Tracy, Carl’s grandson

Cutting ice on a lake in the Adirondacks

Cutting ice on a lake in the Adirondacks

Men use a horse-drawn saw to cut ice on an unidentified lake in the Adirondacks. Note large icehouses in background with conveyors for lifting ice blocks. Circa 1900.