Tag: horse

Workers in front of Sullivan’s Lumber Mill in Canto

Workers in front of Sullivan’s Lumber Mill in Canton

Employees posing outside Sullivan’s Lumber Mill next to and on a large pile of wood scraps. Circa 1880s. Canton, NY. Photo taken and printed by the F.J. McCormick Photo Studio, photo donated to the SLCHA by Florence Howard.

Blacksmith shop at Pope Mills in Macomb

Blacksmith shop at Pope Mills in Macomb

Exterior of a blacksmith shop in Pope Mills. Men and children in front of the building with horses and a wagon. Circa 1880s. Pope Mills in the town of Macomb, NY

Saint Lawrence Mill wagon filled with bags in Canton

Saint Lawrence Mill wagon filled with bags in Canton

A Saint Lawrence Mill wagon filled with bags of feed or flour, drawn by one horse, in front of a photo studio (note sign above wagon that says Photograph). The Saint Lawrence Mill was owned by Horace Dickinson Moody, brother in law to Silas Wright. Circa 1860s. Canton, NY. Photo by H.D.Moody.

Employees of Brasher Iron Works in Brasher

Employees of Brasher Iron Works in Brasher

Brasher Iron Works employees outside the building. A horse and buggy with two women poses on the left. Men sit on roller on rights. Circa 1880s. Brasher. Donated by Ada Morse of Winthrop.

Work crew building road in Canton

Work crew building road in Canton

A work crew comprised of men and teams of horses hitched to wagons, clearing the way for a road. Circa 1900-1905. Canton. Photo taken and processed by F.J. McCormick Studio in Canton.

Farrier shoeing a horse in Hammond

Farrier shoeing a horse in Hammond

Farrier in the process of shoeing a horse in front of a barn. One man holds the halter of the horse, and another two men watch. Circa 1900. Hammond, NY.