Tag: horse

Mule-drawn bus in Philadelphia

Red and white spotted mule team were a familiar sight in the town of Philadelphia from 1908-1918. The bus was purchased from the St. Lawrence Inn and was used to haul mail from the Eagle Hotel to the Depot. Photo taken on Main Street in front of old Lovejoy House. Karl Hart drove the mules […]

Woman farmer driving dump rake in Philadelphia

Woman driving wooden wheeled dump rake.Horse is wearing fly net to keep flies off as it worked. Circa 1920s. Philadelphia, NY area. Note windrow (you can see it through spokes of wheel). After dump raking, hay would either be picked up with a hayloader and put on wagons for off-loading in a hay mow, or […]

Snyder House and employees in Heuvelton

Exterior of the Snyder House, with employees pictured on front porch. The hotel was bought and turned into a hotel in 1870s by John Snyder. It was famous for its New Years’ dances because its dance floor was on springs. The hotel burned August 2, 1923. Photo circa 1880s. Heuvelton, NY.

George Haydon’s grocery store in Heuvelton

George Haydon’s Flour, Feed and Grocery Store on State Street which later became the site of a gas station. Pony cart and horse drawn delivery wagon out front, which bears the title “Pleasant View Farm, Sanitary Milk.” Circa 1890s. Heuvelton, NY.

Pickens Hall during Turkey Day in Heuvelton

Exterior shot of Pickens Hall during Heuvelton’s Turkey Day. Pickens Hall was built in 1858 by John Pickens, Sr. The stone came from the Ridge Hill Quarry, located between Heuvelton and Ogdensburg. 1898. Heuvelton, NY. Listen to the audio clip for more on Turkey Day; you can read the North Country at Work story with […]