Tag: horse

Five men dress logs at Maple Grove Farm near Cranberry Lake

Five men dress logs at Maple Grove Farm near Cranberry Lake

Five men dressing logs (making them into beams). Probably for the structure on the left. To the right is a team of horses and the Maple Grove farmhouse. Maple Grove Farm was operated by the Clark family, two of their daughters stand with the team of horses. Circa 1910-1930. Near Cranberry Lake, NY. Donated by […]

Man stands atop enormous load of logs on a bobsled in Brandreth Park

Man stands atop enormous load of logs on a bobsled in Brandreth Park

Man standing on top of an enormous load of logs. Four men stand to the right. A single team of horses pulls the bobsled. Operations of the Mac-A-Mac Lumber Corporation. Written on photo: “NO. 8. BIG LOAD, MAC-A-MAC. CORP.N. ON THE LANDING. BRANDRETH. N.Y.” Photograph by Henry M. Beach. Circa 1910. Brandreth Park, NY. Courtesy […]

Enormous pile of logs at a skidway in Brandreth Park

Enormous pile of logs at a skidway in Brandreth Park

People and horses by log pile. In spring, “key log” would be taken out and all of the logs would roll into the water so to be “driven” downstream. Operations of the Mac-A-Mac Lumber Corporation. Handwritten on photo “AT THE BIG SKIDWAY. BRANDRETH, N.Y. MAC A MAC.” Photograph by Henry M. Beach. Circa 1910. Brandreth […]

The Brooks Hotel in Lake Pleasant

The Brooks Hotel in Lake Pleasant

Stagecoach in front of Brooks Hotel. Circa 1880s-1890s. Lake Pleasant, NY. Photo courtesy of the Hamilton County Historian’s Office.

56. Man with horses at Politsch Place in Benson

Man with horses at Politsch Place in Benson

George Politsch with his horses Molly and Flora at Politsch Place, which used to be the town post office. Circa 1917. Upper Benson in Benson, NY. Photo courtesy of the Hamilton County Historian’s Office.