Tag: hotel

Hotel Ampersand stagecoach in Saranac Lake

Hotel Ampersand’s stagecoach loaded with guests in downtown Saranac Lake. Standing near the rear wheel is Tuffield Latour, stagecoach driver and livery owner. Standing on the wheel is his son James A. Latour, who later became a prominent local businessman and New York State Assemblyman. Taken around 1903. Saranac Lake, NY. Photo courtesy of Tuffield Latour.   […]

Woodruff Motel in Keene

The Woodruff Motel sign in Keene

The Woodruff Motel sign. Summer of 1981. Keene, NY. Photo courtesy of Sue Abbott Jones. The Woodruff Motel was built in 1946 by the Woodruff Motel. Sue Abbott Jones, her (former) husband Tom Kennelly, and his extended family ran the motel from 1975 into the early 1990s.

Linda Jackson on the Bartlett Boarding House in Elizabethtown

Lilias Wrisley Bartlett ran a boarding house in her home in Lewis from the late 1930s to the early 1950s.  Lilias did all the cooking and cleaning, while her husband Frank tended the farm. The house is still there today, across from Barber’s Pond in Lewis. Here Linda Jackson, Lilias’ granddaughter, shares her stories of […]

The River View Cottage for tourists in Alexandria Bay

The River View Cottage for tourists in Alexandria Bay

A postcard of the River View Cottage, which was a boarding house for tourists. The cottage was owned by George & Elsie Brown, and managed by Elsie. Between 1910 and 1940. Alexandria Bay, NY. Courtesy of Barbara Brown.

The Main Building at Pinehurst Camps

The main house, store and office at Pinehurst, a hotel in Alexandria Bay. Milk, cold cuts, bread, and canned goods were sold from the main house because there weren’t any stores near the hotel at the time. 1950s or 1960s. Alexandria Bay, NY. Courtesey of Bob Vrooman. Listen to Bob Vrooman talk about his time working at […]

Outside the Iroquois Hotel in Tupper Lake

Outside the Iroquois Hotel in Tupper Lake

The exterior of the Iroquois Hotel, with people posing on the first and second floors and in the car out front. Circa 1910. Tupper Lake, NY. Photo courtesy of the Goff-Nelson Memorial Library.