Tag: office

WD Evans Manufacturing office interior in Hammond

Office of WD Evans, manufacturer of farm implements. Pictured are two employees; the woman on the left was bookkeeper Fan More. The office was located within the “Frank Felt block.” 1914. Hammond, NY.

New York Central Depot office in Hammond

New York Central Depot office, which sold tickets for trains and had a telephone. Ticket window visible on left. Pictured are the Jones couple and their son Stephen. Circa 1900 – 1910. Hammond, NY.

Soldier with gas mask at Pine Camp in Jefferson County

Solider working in office at Pine Camp with gas mask on. 1940s. Fort Drum/Jefferson County area in NYS. Note: Pine Plains/Pine Camp started in 1908, became Camp Drum in 1951, and Fort Drum in 1974. At all stages it was used for winter training of military personnel, and became home to the 10th Mountain Division.