Tag: summer

Hotel Ampersand stagecoach in Saranac Lake

Hotel Ampersand’s stagecoach loaded with guests in downtown Saranac Lake. Standing near the rear wheel is Tuffield Latour, stagecoach driver and livery owner. Standing on the wheel is his son James A. Latour, who later became a prominent local businessman and New York State Assemblyman. Taken around 1903. Saranac Lake, NY. Photo courtesy of Tuffield Latour.   […]

Whitewater raft with guide and passengers

Cassandra Burns guides a whitewater raft in North River

Cassandra Burns (right) guides a whitewater raft down the Hudson River. 2020. North River, NY. Photo by Melody Thomas. Photo courtesy of Cassandra Burns. Click here for our story on Beaver Brook Outfitters, an outdoor adventure guiding operation run by Burns and her father.

Talia Cook models outfit

Talia Cook models Mohawk regalia in New York City

Talia Cook modelling an outfit and strawberry jewelry set made by Marlana Thompson Baker at the Dress to Kilt runway fashion show. 2021. New York City, New York. Photo courtesy of Marlana Thompson Baker.

Peter Kritziotis wiping down a table in Aleka's outdoor dining space.

Peter Kritziotis wipes down table at Aleka’s Restaurant in Plattsburgh

Aleka’s Restaurant owner and operator Peter Kritziotis wiping down a table in the outdoor dining area. The restaurant shut down after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 and reopened for streetside dining in June. Plattsburgh, NY. June 4, 2020. Courtesy of Peter Kritziotis. To hear about Aleka’s reopening, check out Kritziotis’ full […]