Tag: summer

Philadelphia Milk Producers Co-op in Philadelphia

Lloyd Storie, left, and James Matteson surrounded by freshly washed milk cans at Philadelphia Milk Producers Co-op before its closing in the late 60s. All producers cans which were labeled with individual producers farm numbers were washed after receiving the milk. Circa 1960s. Philadelphia, NY. The audio clip is of Frieda Kent, talking about the dairy […]

Box factory in Philadelphia

Exterior of box factory, with workers, including Willard Steele (standing to right of man sitting on stump). Circa 1885. Philadelphia, NY.

Keller’s Gas Station in Philadelphia

Keller’s Gas Station was located on the corner of Main and Sand Streets. It was owned by Kenneth Keller, who later owned Keller’s Meat and Grocery Store. Circa 1930s. Note soldier in uniform on right. Philadelphia, NY.

Tending chickens in Philadelphia

Woman with her chicken flock. Tending the chicken flock was traditionally women’s and children’s work on the farm. Circa 1920s. Philadelphia, NY area.