Soliders leaving for WWI from train depot in Heuvelton
Soldiers leaving for World War I from Heuvelton’s train station. 1917. Heuvelton, NY.
Soldiers leaving for World War I from Heuvelton’s train station. 1917. Heuvelton, NY.
Construction of Heuvelton’s hydropower dam. Circa 1923. Heuvelton, NY.
Exterior of the Snyder House, with employees pictured on front porch. The hotel was bought and turned into a hotel in 1870s by John Snyder. It was famous for its New Years’ dances because its dance floor was on springs. The hotel burned August 2, 1923. Photo circa 1880s. Heuvelton, NY.
George Haydon’s Flour, Feed and Grocery Store on State Street which later became the site of a gas station. Pony cart and horse drawn delivery wagon out front, which bears the title “Pleasant View Farm, Sanitary Milk.” Circa 1890s. Heuvelton, NY.
James Mayne and John Griffiths spear fishing on the old Heuvelton dam. Circa 1915. Heuvelton, NY.
View of Van Heuvel’s grist mills on the banks of the Oswegatchie. The mill burned down on Feb 11, 1901. Circa 1890s. Heuvelton, NY.
Horse drawn grain binder in transport position. Binders would be moved from farm to farm and used to bind grain, so that each individual farmer need not own one. Dump rake on fence. Circa 1880s. Heuvelton, NY.
Unidentified men laying a concrete road using a cement machine. Circa 1920s. Heuvelton, NY.
James Chambers (left) and William Green milking cows at Greenhill Dairy Farm at Northrups Corners. Circa 1940s. Heuvelton, NY. Related story here; the audio clip is about Heuvelton’s dairying history, and is from Dave Kingsley.
Maude Mahaffey hand carrying milk pails to the milk house. 1950. Boonville, NY.