Type of Work: Agriculture

Bark logging camp buildings in woods near Harrisville

Two bark structures with inhabitants posing outside. Building on left was temporary housing, structure on right possibly for storage. These structures were built of large sheets of bark and were used to house loggers in the late spring/early summer, when loggers would be stripping trees of their bark. Circa 1880-1890. Town of Diana, NY. This […]

Horse dealer and horses in Harrisville

Acta LaPlatney, Auldis LaPlatney, and Vince Moshier standing with some of Auldis LaPlatney’s horses. Auldis LaPlatney was a horsedealer in Harrisville, NY. 1938 or 1939.

Raking hay with horses in Boquet

Man sitting on a horse-drawn side-delivery rake. The rake was used to roll cut and dried hay into windrows for loading onto a wagon for transport to barn for winter storage.  Circa 1920-1930. Boquet, NY.

Harvesting grain in Essex County

Three horses pulling a grain binder, used to cut and bind grains (oats in this case) into bundles, which were then “stooked or shocked” (placed together in small piles) to dry in the field before being threshed to separate grain from chaff. Circa 1930s or 1940s. Essex County in NYS.