Construction of city water works in Glens Falls
Construction of the city water works in Glens Falls, NY. 1887. Courtesy of the Crandall Public Library Photograph Collection #179, The Folklife Center at Crandall Public Library.
Construction of the city water works in Glens Falls, NY. 1887. Courtesy of the Crandall Public Library Photograph Collection #179, The Folklife Center at Crandall Public Library.
Two construction workers from Hill and Company of Delmar, NY are seen working in the area which will house the new wing of Crandall Public Library. Glens Falls, NY. November 26, 1968. Courtesy of the Crandall Public Library Photograph Collection #198, The Folklife Center at Crandall Public Library.
Carl Tracy walking in front of his truck, which is pulling a building down Main Street in West Stockholm in the early 1930’s. The building was moved from a milk factory to a new location and converted to a residence. Warren Tracy, Carl’s son, is standing on the passenger side of the truck. Carl Tracy was […]
Dredging in Saranac Lake while working on the Lake Flower Dam gate replacement and concrete repair, executed by West Branch Engineering and Consulting. Summer of 1991. Saranac Lake, NY.
Lake Flower Dam gate replacement and concrete repair, executed by West Branch Engineering and Consulting; pictured is the gate installation. Summer of 1991. Saranac Lake, NY.
Darren Tracy diving in Saranac Lake while working on the Lake Flower Dam gate replacement and concrete repair. Tracy owns and operates West Branch Engineering and Consulting. Summer of 1991. Saranac Lake, NY. Photo courtesy of Darren Tracy.
Parapet wall reconstruction at Lake Placid High School, done by West Branch Engineering and Consulting. Darren Tracy, who owns West Branch, is on the roof. Circa 1991. Lake Placid, NY. Photo courtesy of Darren Tracy.
Ironworker Junior Barnes on the Goldman Sachs Tower. Jersey City, NJ. Circa 2002. Photo courtesy of Ted Cook.
A Mohawk ironworker on the Goldman Sachs Tower, with Manhattan Island behind him. Jersey City, NJ. Circa 2002. Photo courtesy of Ted Cook.
Cranes building windmills in Chategueay. Akwesasne’s Ted Cook was in charge of moving the cranes and says that moving each one took 27 tractor trailers. Chategueay, NY. 2009-2010. Photo courtesy of Ted Cook.