Type of Work: Government Services

Steam engine in town of Champion

Steam engine–with traction engine–was used as a traveling power unit to run all sorts of machinery including stone crushers, thrashers or road graders. Many towns owned a steam engine that was used for a variety of public works projects. Unknown workers. Circa 1890-1910. Donated by the Champion Grange. Champion, NY.

Retired firefighters in Adams

Retired firefighters from the Adams Fire Department posed around fire pump. The June 10, 1820 date on pump was apparently a significant date for the Department and the retired men may have been gathered to note an anniversary of that date. Circa 1890s. Adams, NY.

Game protectors and forest rangers with elk at Northwoods Club in Schroon Lake

Game protectors Black Dwinal and Toby Tyler with Forest Rangers Jeb Garfield and Alex Stowell at the Northwoods Club (formerly known as The Adirondack Preserve Association for the Encouragement of Social Pastimes and the Preservation of Game Forests). The elk was 550 pounds with an 11 point rack. Elk went extinct in the Adirondacks in […]

Three conservation officers on the job near Plattsburgh

Three NYS Conservation Department officers on the job. The NYS Conservation Department became the Department of Environmental Conservation in 1970. Circa 1950. Photo donated by Jack Drury from conservation officer Carl Prue’s album. Plattsburgh, NY.