A team of horses hitched to a bob sled in Tupper Lake
A man atop a bob sled pulled by a team of horses, used for carrying lumber, logs and other materials. Circa 1910. Tupper Lake, NY. Photo courtesy of the Goff-Nelson Memorial Library.
A man atop a bob sled pulled by a team of horses, used for carrying lumber, logs and other materials. Circa 1910. Tupper Lake, NY. Photo courtesy of the Goff-Nelson Memorial Library.
A horse-drawn bob sled carrying a load of logs. Circa Tupper Lake, NY. Photo courtesy of the Goff-Nelson Memorial Library.
A Linn tractor hauling six sleigh loads of logs in Tupper Lake. Circa Tupper Lake, NY. Photo courtesy of the Goff-Nelson Memorial Library.
Lumbermen hauling three sleigh loads of logs with a Linn tractor. Circa Tupper Lake, NY. Photo courtesy of the Goff-Nelson Memorial Library.
View of a gigantic pulp wood pile and conveyor in Au Sable Forks, NY. Circa 1910.
Six workers pose in front of a steam powered wood splitter. Note pile of split wood in rear, hand tools near men. Circa 1900-1910. Lowville area, NY.
Two men (possibly owners of a mill or managers of the job) sitting on pulpwood logs in Rock Island Bay. The logs were destined for the Piercefield Paper Mill. Circa 1920s. On Big Tupper Lake, NY.
Sawyer Dick Shea using a portable sawmill in Catamount Forest. 2006. Colton, NY. Photo courtesy of Ruth McWilliams.
Local sawyer Dick Shea using a portable sawmill in Catamount Forest. 2006. Colton, NY. Photo courtesy of Ruth McWilliams.