Type of Work: Sport, Recreation, and Tourism

Woman in the kitchen of Camp Uncas in Racquette Lake

Woman in the kitchen of Camp Uncas in Racquette Lake

Woman in the kitchen at Camp Uncas on Mohegan Lake. She’s standing in front of a wood cookstove; gas range to the right. Photograph by Dante Tranquille. Circa 1950. Racquette Lake, NY. Courtesy of the Adirondack Experience.

The Tunnel Hunting Camp.

The “Tunnel” hunting camp in Harrisville

The Tunnel hunting camp (previously a logging camp) owned by Grace and Clarence LaParr about 10 ground miles from Harrisville. Note the hops growing on strings in the left background. Circa 1920s. Harrisville, NY. Photo donated by Jim LaParr.

Running a bike shop in Keene Valley

Running a bike shop in Keene Valley

Mark Nassan runs a bike shop – “bicycles, human powered.” He’s been making bikes, doing repairs, and teaching the biking lifestyle at Leepoff Cycles, a custom bike shop in Keene Valley, for 21 years. Listen to Mark’s story here.