Type of Work: Technical Trades

Guide Roly Garnsey in Clayton

Guide Roly Garnsey in Clayton

Fishing guide Roly Garnsey kneels in front of three fish caught by his day’s clients (unknown, standing in back). Roly was a guide on the St. Lawrence River from 1920 until his death in 1979. Thousand Islands region, NYS. Circa 1960. Photo: Personal Archives of Jeff Garnsey

Fishing guide on his boat on the St. Lawrence River in Clayton

Fishing guide on his boat on the St. Lawrence River in Clayton

Jeff Garnsey on the Muskie, which he uses to take clients fishing on the St. Lawrence River. Garnsey, who started working on the river as a deck hand before he turned 10 is a third-generation fishing guide. He is one of only a few guides left who use traditional boats and fishing techniques. 2015. Clayton, […]

Snowplowing in Clayton

Snowplowing in Clayton

Four men, two on top of the Frink snowplow and two riding the wings, plow through deep snow. Clayton, NY. Circa 1930 -1940. From the Thousand Island Museum.

Speculator Garage in Lake Pleasant

Speculator Garage in Lake Pleasant

Speculator Garage, owned by William Wilbur and later by a Mr. Downey. It is currently still standing. Circa 1930s or ’40s. Speculator in Lake Pleasant, NY. Photo courtesy of the Hamilton County Historian’s Office.