Type of Work: Transportation

New York and Ottawa train at the depot in Tupper Lake

New York and Ottawa train at the depot in Tupper Lake

New York and Ottawa train at depot in Tupper Lake. Six unidentified men (railroad employees) stand in front of locomotive #3, two other men in front of American Express Company office at left. Photograph by Frank J. McCormick. Circa 1915. Tupper Lake, NY. Courtesy of the Adirondack Experience.

Group of men building a logging railroad in Brandreth Lake

Group of men building a logging railroad in Brandreth Lake

Group of men pose carrying an iron rail. Newly laid ties in foreground still have bark on them. Logging railroads were built quickly to haul logs out of the woods. They were meant to be short lived. Probably for the Mac-a-Mac Lumber Co. Written on photo: “BUILDING A RAILROAD IN THE FOREST. BRANDRETH LAKE.” Photograph […]

Building the railroad by the barge canal dam in Hinckley

Building the railroad by the barge canal dam in Hinckley

Building a railroad during the construction of the New York State Barge Canal. A dam built for this project created the Hinckley Reservoir. Written on photograph: “BUILDING RAILROAD, B.C. DAM. HINCKLEY. N.Y. NO. 14.” Photograph by Henry M. Beach. Circa 1910. Hinckley, NY. Courtesy of the Adirondack Experience.

Horse pulls train engine in Raquette Lake

Horse pulls an engine on the Raquette Lake Railway. The train ran out of water two miles outside of Raquette Lake. The engine was separated from cars to lighten load for trip to water tank, but couldn’t ‘make it the whole way so it had to be pulled back by horse. Aug 20, 1908. Raquette […]

Eight men stand with locomotive at the junction in Lake Clear

Eight men stand with locomotive at the junction in Lake Clear

A railroad crew standing on and around locomotive engine #1228. One man holds an oilcan, another a coal shovel.  One man is dressed in a suit and tie, the others appear to be railroad employees. Shelter of Lake Clear Junction is visible behind engine. 1910-1920. Lake Clear, NY. Donated by Bruce Flaherty, courtesy of the […]

Crown Point Iron Company railroad workers in Ironville

Crown Point Iron Company railroad workers in Ironville

Workers of the Crown Point Iron Company railroad stand by tracks with track repair tools in hand. Early wood fired locomotive with tender and one passenger car can be seen behind them. The rail repair car is labeled “C. P. I. C. R.” Crown Point Iron Company Railroad.1870- 1880. May be in Ironville, NY. Courtesy […]

A railroad bridge over the Ausable Chasm in Keeseville

A railroad bridge over the Ausable Chasm in Keeseville

Railroad bridge over the Ausable Chasm, completed in 1890. Train is stopped on bridge; workmen posing on top of train. Photograph by G.F. Martin. Around 1890. Keeseville, NY. Donated by John Fritzinger Jr., courtesy of the Adirondack Experience.