Type of Work: Transportation

Union Auto Garage in Plattsburgh

Union Auto Garage in Plattsburgh

Workers at the Union Auto Garage. Two men stand by an automobile while one holds gas pump. Circa 1920-1930. Margaret Street in Plattsburgh, NY. Clinton County Historical Association. Brewer Collection.

A. Mason & Sons Truck in Peru

A. Mason & Sons Lumber Company truck in Peru

A. Mason & Sons Lumber Company, Plattsburgh & Peru, truck with workers posing next to it. At their lumber yard in Peru. Circa 1930-1940. Peru, NY. Clinton County Historical Association. Brewer Collection.

A. Mason & Sons Truck in Peru

A. Mason & Sons Lumber Truck in Peru

A. Mason & Sons Lumber Co, Plattsburgh & Peru, truck with workers posing next to it. At lumberyard in Peru. Circa 1930-1940. Peru, NY. Clinton County Historical Association. Brewer Collection.

Moving Van in Plattsburgh

Moving Van in Plattsburgh

Harry Carpenter, Long Distance Hauling truck, in Plattsburgh. Photo 1936. The company, which changed its name to Carpenter Moving and Storage, operated from 1929 until 1941. Clinton County Historical Association. Brewer Collection.

Union Garage in Plattsburgh

Union Garage in Plattsburgh

The Union Garage on Margaret Street in downtown Plattsburgh. Employees are posing in front of the garage next to an automobile. The service station was downtown from 1928 until 1950. 1920s. Plattsburgh, NY. Clinton County Historical Association. Brewer Collection.

Steamboat tied up at the village dock in Long Lake

Steamboat tied up at the village dock in Long Lake

The Daniel P tied up at village dock. It was the largest steamboat to cruise Long Lake, and was used from 1909 until 1911 and built by George Smith. Circa 1910. Long Lake, NY. Photo courtesy of the Town of Long Lake Archives.