Scruton’s Garage in Oswegatchie
Five men stand at the entrance of Scruton’s Garage, three automobiles are parked outside. Circa 1920. Oswegatchie, NY.
Five men stand at the entrance of Scruton’s Garage, three automobiles are parked outside. Circa 1920. Oswegatchie, NY.
Four workers are standing at the gas pumps of the Kerr Garage. Sign on the building advertises the sale of Dunlop Tires, and there’s a Pennzoil sign. Circa 1925. Fine, NY.
Men posing outside the New York Central Railroad station with a trophy deer on a luggage wagon. Circa 1900. Newton Falls, NY.
Robert H. Higbie Co. Engine No. 1 with boxcars on the Newton Fall and Northern railroad. This was the railroad that served the mill in Newbridge. Two railroad workers are visible in engine window and door. 1882. Photograph by Henry M. Beach. Newbridge, NY.
Photo taken during Winnie Taylor’s boat livery “empire.” His passenger launch “U-Auto-Go” is tied to a dock beside the Little River bridge. Circa 1910-1915. Canton, NY.
Two men in the Telegraph Office inside the Rensselaer Falls train depot. One sits at a desk behind a typewriter on a typewriter table. Circa 1930s. Rensselaer Falls, NY.
Grasse Paper Company railroad locomotive in front of the Pyrites paper mill. Railroad workers are visible inside and on the ground next to the engine. Circa 1910. Pyrites, NY.
Man stands next to the first snow plow used on the Ogdensburg-Canton Road, which was a Fordson tractor rigged for plowing. Note chains on back tires. Circa 1923 to 1924. Canton, NY.
Exterior of the Train Depot. Note track crossing warning sign. Circa 1880. Lisbon, NY. Donated by Laurie Worden Kirkby.
Engineer Frank Murray at the throttle of a Rutland Railroad switch engine in the Ogdensburg Yard in the days of steam. Circa 1920s or 1930s. Ogdensburg, NY. Photo courtesy of the Murray family.