Assistant Express Agent Goodale with baggage cart in De Kalb Junction
Frank Goodale, assistant express agent to Ernest Tanner, poses in front of a baggage cart loaded with crates. Circa 1915-1920. De Kalb Junction, NY.
Frank Goodale, assistant express agent to Ernest Tanner, poses in front of a baggage cart loaded with crates. Circa 1915-1920. De Kalb Junction, NY.
Castle McCarthy working as a flagman directing traffic crossing the railroad tracks at De Kalb Junction, NY. December 24, 1914.
Eugene McCarthy working as a flagman directing car/horse traffic crossing the railroad tracks. 1914. De Kalb Junction, NY.
View of the depot and water tank from across the train tracks. A passenger train from Ogdensburg takes on passengers in background. Circa 1910-1920s. De Kalb Junction, NY.
Richard Maloney working as a Flagman directing car traffic crossing the railroad tracks. 1953. De Kalb Junction, NY.
Boats going into the locks on the St. Lawrence River. Men in background turning winches to open locks. The passenger boat Grenada out of Prescott Ontario taking on passengers on right. Circa 1870-1880. Photo by Frank Spencer.
Sanford Bacon with his grandmother in a one horse sulky wagon with a horse named Spot. 1948. Town of De Kalb, NY. Donated by Pat Bacon.
A line of workers who shoveled snow off of railroad tracks after a snowplow and a passenger train collided during a blizzard. The New York Central Railroad hired 40 local people with shovels to help clear the tracks. February 23, 1912. DeKalb, NY. Photo taken by Myrtle Penny Rice, donated by Naomi Rice.
Pictured is a train crew posing inside a snowy train car interior, which was caused by the collision of a snowplow and a passenger train in which the train was buried under snow and had to be shoveled out. The New York Central Railroad hired 40 local people with shovels to help clear the tracks. February […]
Workers clear snow from the site of a collision between a snowplow and a passenger train, in which the train was buried under snow and had to be shoveled out. The New York Central Railroad hired 40 local people with shovels to help clear the tracks. February 23 1912. Town of De Kalb, NY. Photo […]