Moving tourist cabins to Route 37 in Morristown
Moving tourist cabins to Route 37. 1955. Morristown, NY.
Moving tourist cabins to Route 37. 1955. Morristown, NY.
Moving a diner up to Route 37 in 1955. Nap & Jenny Brough were the owners. Note the plants still in their window boxes attached to the diner. 1955. Morristown, NY.
Interior of NY Central depot (which sold tickets and handled packages for shipping on the railroad), pictured are three workers. Circa 1910-1920. Morristown, NY.
A winter ferry in use – it had a flat bottom with steel runners and was built by Captain John LaVigne. It was operated from 1895-1917. The ferry carried mail and passengers, and had handles on the front and back of the “ferry” – one man pushed, one man pulled. Circa 1895-1910. Morristown, NY.
Train depot shot, including train crew on left, and an “excursion” tour group on the right, with a photographer holding his camera in the group. In front of them is a rail track worker with a sledge hammer over his shoulder. DeLack House hotel in background. Circa 1890s. Morristown, NY.
The interior of the Morristown Post Office in 1933. Pictured from left are George Raven, David C. Gilmour, and John Wallace. On far right, empty mail bags can be seen through open door. 1933. Morristown, NY.
Elmer Jones ferry, owned by the Brockville and Morristown Transportation Company, with load of people and automobiles. Early 1920s. Morristown, NY. Donated by Richard “Dick” Johnson. Check out our story on running ferries on the St. Lawrence.
By 1946, only two ferries were run by the Brockville and Morristown Transportation Company: Morrisbrock on the left, and Jones (the more frequently run ferry) on right. The home of Dorothy Scott, who owned the Brockville and Morristown Transportation Company, is the big white house between two ferries. 1946. Morristown, NY. Donated by Richard (Dick) […]
Cars lined up to board the Brockville and Morristown Transportation Company ferry in 1945. The ferry would have been the one named the “Morrisbrock” which was put in service during World War II when the regular ferry was requisitioned by the US army. Brockville in background. Photograph by Louis Murray. 1945. Morristown, NY. Photo donated […]
Pictured are the Morristown docks, with the Victory ferryboat (on far left), which was owned by the Brockville and Morristown Transportation Company. U.S. Customs and Immigration House situated right on the dock. Circa 1920s. Morristown, NY. Photo donated by Richard (Dick) Johnson.