Type of Work: Transportation

Passenger steamer in Ogdensburg

The steamer “Levis,” which could accommodate  80 passengers and 30 vehicles. It was put into the water in 1925 by the Prescott and Ogdensburg Ferry Company, owned by Joseph Dubrule. Circa 1930.

Fort Town Ferry running between Ogdensburg and Prescott

The Prescott and Ogdensburg Ferry Company, owned by Joseph Dubrule, operated the Fort Town Ferry that ran between Prescott and Ogdensburg. This was the last ferry to run before the Ogdensburg Prescott International bridge was opened. The Bridge and Port Authority purchased the ferry company as part of its licensing agreement. The bridge opened in […]

Men operate a machine pumping air into a diver’s suit in Ogdensburg

Will Wood is the diver in the full diving suit, May 6th 1898. He was possibly diving to inspect a loose pontoon of the USS Gresham following an accident that was recorded as delaying the USS Gresham for a number of days. Two blurry men are operating the machine to pump air into Will Wood’s […]

The USS Gresham being cut in half in Ogdensburg

USS Gresham on the Marine Railroad tracks, May 6th 1898. The ship had to be “deconstructed” or cut in half  to get it past the narrow rapids and into navigable waters, on its passage to sea to be used as an auxiliary vessel in the Spanish American War. 1898. Ogdesnburg, NY.