Coast guard boat in Ogdensburg
Revenue cutter “Gresham,” a coast guard boat in the water in Ogdensburg, NY. 1890s.
Revenue cutter “Gresham,” a coast guard boat in the water in Ogdensburg, NY. 1890s.
Unidentified man driving International Harvester truck of H.I. Proctor Manufacturing Company, which did lumber and mill work, and sold building and masonry supplies. Circa 1920. Ogdensburg, NY.
Shipyard employees portrait, mixture of management and workers. The space behind them is where ships were built and repaired. Ogdensburg, NY. Circa 1910.
Junk yard full of scrap metal and parts, boat in background being loaded with scrap metal. Starting in 1938 and 1939, the US sold scrap metal for shipment to Japan. Ogdensburg, NY off Ford Street. Circa 1940. This sale of metal to Japan would stop by 1941 when the US entered WW II against Japan.
S.M. Douglas barge and crane unloading gravel in Ogdensburg, NY. Possibly part of Saint Lawrence Seaway construction. Circa 1950s.
Joseph Dubrule Ferry running between Ogdensburg and Prescott in winter, through icy river. Ogdensburg, NY. 1934.
Halco gas trucks, owned by the George Hall Corporation, parked in front of Calso Gasoline plant in Ogdensburg, NY. Circa 1960.
Moving an apartment in downtown Ogdensburg. A four apartment house, originally at 332 State Street, was moved by this work crew to 700 State Street. It was formerly Dr. Daly’s office and home. Ogdensburg, NY. Circa 1940.
The Ogdensburg Prescott International Bridge under construction. Near Ogdensburg, NY. Circa 1959.
Ogdensburg Prescott International Bridge under construction. July 7, 1959. Ogdensburg, NY. Photograph by Ken. L. Henderson. Near Ogdensburg, NY.