Type of Work: Transportation

Railroad workers in front of a wooden passenger car in Ogdensburg

Railroad workers standing in front of a wooden passenger car labeled Buffalo, a division of New York Central. Car #146. The men pictured from left to right are: James Sheldon, John Boske, J.J. Sullivan, E.E. Cope, J.T. Eagan, J.J. McEaston, and John Keenan.  Ogdensburg, NY. Photo courtesy of the Ogdensburg Public Library. Ogdensburg, NY. Circa […]

Passengers in a station wagon buggy outside the livery in Harrisville

Riverside House station wagon outside a Harrisville livery. The livery was used to board horses, both local and visiting. One could also rent a horse. Pictured out front is a “station wagon” buggy filled with passengers. They would have ridden the buggy from the station to their destination. Taken September 26, 1915. Harrisville, NY.