Utica & Black River Railroad workers in Glenfield
Utica & Black River line #13, “Thomas Foster,” wood-fired engine. Note baggage car on left. This is probably the track crew, responsible for maintaining the tracks. 1888. Glenfield, NY.
Utica & Black River line #13, “Thomas Foster,” wood-fired engine. Note baggage car on left. This is probably the track crew, responsible for maintaining the tracks. 1888. Glenfield, NY.
NY Central & Hudson Railroad engine #2611, and employees. Circa 1900. Unknown northern NY location.
The NY Central & Hudson Railroad engine #1005, which ran between Utica and Massena via Richland. Circa 1900. Unknown NYS location.
Workers, including Charles M. Getman, second from left, with NY Central Railroad coal-powered locomotive #442 transporting logs. Circa 1890s. Unknown Jefferson County in NYS location.
This New York Central Railroad engine #211 was a Class G13, built in Schenectady in April of 1893. It was previously engine #61 of the Adirondack and St. Lawrence Railroad. Circa 1890s. Watertown, NY.
Employees posing with wood-fired engine. Circa mid-1870s. Unknown North Country in NYS location.
Employees with wood-fired locomotive, engine #13, the “Thomas Foster” of the Utica-Black River Railroad, a branch of the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg Railroad. The engine was built in May of 1872 by Schenectady Locomotive Works. The specs: 16X24 cylinders, 60-inch drivers. Circa mid-1870s. Glendale, NY.
Horse drawn steam fire engine racing toward one of the West End paper mills in Carthage, NY. 1905. Check out this North Country at Work story to learn more about how fire has shaped the history of Carthage.
Rotary snowplow clearing track near the Depot in Carthage, NY during winter of 1915.
New York Central Railroad freight house employees. June 15, 1923. Watertown, NY. Photographer: Shepardson.