Captain and ship on St. Lawrence River
Captain and crew member on deck of a ship on the St. Lawrence River. Circa 1940s. Exact location unknown.
Captain and crew member on deck of a ship on the St. Lawrence River. Circa 1940s. Exact location unknown.
Gregory and Kendall (last names unknown) deckhands, with the Edith II, one of the boats operated by Uncle Sam Boat Tours. Circa 1960s. Thousand Islands area.
Captain Bill Massey and N. Whittemore on Uncle Sam tour boat. Circa 1960s. Thousand Islands area in NYS.
Workers at the Railway Express Agency. 1931. Watertown, NY.
Portrait of railroad Freight House employees. 1902. Somewhere in Jefferson County in NYS.
The trolley ran between Watertown’s Public Square and Brownville. Pictured here are the conductor and other employees (?). Circa 1910-1920. Watertown, NY.
This crew portrait was donated by E.P. Burtch on Jan. 4, 1962 to the Jefferson County Historical Society in Watertown, NY. The yacht was owned by E.P. Wilbur. The photo was taken around 1910. On the back of the photograph, crew members are identified as follows: Rear, left to right: (E.P. Burtch?) Geo M Comstock […]
Canada Steamship Lines Limited “Kingston” paddlewheel steamer on the St. Lawrence River. Circa 1920s. Precise location unknown. Photo by Toronto Panoramic Photography.
“The St. Lawrence,” a Canada Steamship Lines steamer on the St. Lawrence River. 1962. Unknown dock.
Construction of the international bridge linking Alexandria Bay to Wellesley Island and Canada took place in the 1930s. This photo is from about 1937-38. Alexandria Bay, NY area.