Employees of North Country Battery in Watertown
Employees of North Country Battery at 621 State Street. The company sold Willard batteries, Good Year tires and other auto parts. Circa 1928. Watertown, NY.
Employees of North Country Battery at 621 State Street. The company sold Willard batteries, Good Year tires and other auto parts. Circa 1928. Watertown, NY.
Black River Traction Trolley Company operators in uniform in front of a trolley. Circa 1920s. Watertown, NY.
Black River Traction Trolley car #6 in front of the Clark Block of stores in Dexter. Circa 1890-1900. Dexter, NY.
This Black River Traction Trolley Company car was photographed on State Street sometime in 1937, shortly before its last run on August 16, 1937. Appearing in the window is Motorman Owen Davis; standing at left is W.A. Fralick, a company employee, and Leon Schwerzman, manager and recent owner of the trolley lines. The BRTTC ran […]
Trolley and trolleyman in front of Grange Hall on State Street. The Grange was an early (1880s) advocate for women’s suffrage. Unknown photo date. Watertown, NY.
Several teams of horses pulling sleds, including one with limb wood, through a street in Theresa. Frozen roads provided the best conditions for hauling wood with horses. 1895. Theresa, NY.
Customers coming in and out of Barrows Hotel. C.Lane and son boot and shoe store in background. 1867. Photo taken by G.H. Baehme of Watertown, for Schuyler Studio. Sackets Harbor, NY.
The railroad brought tourists and visitors directly to the dock. From here, people and goods were ferried to individual islands and resorts. Steamship America at dock. Clayton, NY. Unknown date but probably before 1900.
From the dock, people and goods would be ferried to individual islands and island resorts. 1914. Alexandria Bay, NY. Thanks to Tim Leyda for more information about this photo, and correcting the location (which was incorrectly identified as Clayton).
Exterior of Boat Factory/Columbian Boat Livery, which manufactured and rented boats. Canoe or Adirondack skiff in front of two unidentified employees. Circa 1890-1900. Depauville, NY (in town of Clayton).