Type of Work: Transportation

Saint Lawrence Marble Company shipping dock in Gouverneur

Blocks of marble stacked for shipping on dock at Saint Lawrence Marble Company. Marble would be loaded into wooden boxcars to be sent to different locations (one boxcar owned by Wabash Railroad, one owned by St.Paul-Minneapolis company). Three teams of oxen, one team of horses, and an individual horse being used to move blocks. Circa […]

Simons Coal & Supply Company in Gouverneur

Mr. Simons is standing on front steps; Robert Smith is the truck driver. Located at East Main Street, coal towers on left, and freight depot in the background. 1927. Gouverneur, NY.

Early bus service in Gouverneur

Bus service in 1925,Model TT bus parked at western end of village park. Public library on right in background. Gouverneur, NY.

First trolley from Watertown to Dexter

First “suburban” trolley that ever ran out of Watertown is pictured here for its first trip to Dexter made on July 5, 1899. The cars belonged to the old Watertown & Brownville Street Railway company. Jake Edick was the motorman, the conductor was Mr. Wilcox. July 5, 1899. Dexter, NY.

The old covered bridge in Dexter

Known as the old “long” bridge, built in 1848, it was replaced at the turn of the century. Circa 1880s. Photo owned by Addie B. Alverson; donated circa January 10, 1950. On the left is the old grist mill on south side of river. Dexter, NY.