Tarvia truck spreading tar in Dexter
Tarvia truck spreading tar. Circa 1920. Dexter NY.
Tarvia truck spreading tar. Circa 1920. Dexter NY.
Northwest cable power shovel and road construction worker on construction of South Shore road in Pillar Point. Loaned by Gordon Timerman of Dexter, from the collection of his aunt, Mrs. Cecile Williams. Circa 1939. Dexter, NY.
Grading, during construction of South Shore road in Pillar Point. Loaned by Gordon Timerman of Dexter, from the collection of his aunt, Mrs. Cecile Williams. Circa 1939. Dexter, NY.
Construction of South Shore road in Pillar Point. The bulldozer is removing rocks from Lake Ontario. The bulldozer blade is cable-controlled (it predates hydraulics, possibly a Caterpillar Deisel D9). Loaned by Gordon Timerman of Dexter, from the collection of his aunt, Mrs. Cecile Williams. Circa 1939. Dexter, NY.
Construction of South Shore road in Pillar Point by Hudson Valley Contruction Co.using Northwest backhoe. Loaned by Gordon Timerman of Dexter, from the collection of his aunt, Mrs. Cecile Williams. Circa 1939. Dexter, NY.
Construction of South Shore road in Pillar Point. Bulldozer pulling pan type land leveler. Loaned by Gordon Timerman of Dexter, from the collection of his aunt, Mrs. Cecile Williams. Circa 1939. Pillar Point, NY.
Railroad junction with Hayes Hotel (that later burned) in background. 1906. Philadelphia, NY. This photo goes with oral history from Frieda Washburn Kent (recorded 9-22-2016 at the age of 86). Related article on rail hub in Philadelphia here.
Horse-drawn bobsled with unidentified driver in front of Tinware and Stove Depot storefront. Early 1900s. Philadelphia, NY.
Red and white spotted mule team were a familiar sight in the town of Philadelphia from 1908-1918. The bus was purchased from the St. Lawrence Inn and was used to haul mail from the Eagle Hotel to the Depot. Photo taken on Main Street in front of old Lovejoy House. Karl Hart drove the mules […]
Steam engine in Philadelphia rail yards. The town was a regional rail hub in the nineteenth and twentieth century. 1940. Philadelphia, NY. Related article on rail hub in Philadelphia here; the audio clip from that story is of Freida Kent, a Philadelphia native.