Horse-drawn carriage at Murray’s Palace Livery in Watertown
A high-end, horse-drawn private carriage with an unidentified driver at Murray’s Palace Livery. Circa 1890s. Watertown, NY. Courtesy of the Jefferson County Historical Society.
A high-end, horse-drawn private carriage with an unidentified driver at Murray’s Palace Livery. Circa 1890s. Watertown, NY. Courtesy of the Jefferson County Historical Society.
A view of the rear façade of the H.H. Babcock Carriage Company. You can see the river at the time of the 1913 flood behind the factory. March 28, 1913. Photo by C.J. Ryder. Watertown, NY. Courtesy of the Jefferson County Historical Society.
A driver in an automobile manufactured by the H.H. Babcock Carriage Company. Circa 1910. Watertown, NY. Photo by N. Lazarick of New York City. Courtesy of the Jefferson County Historical Society.
People on the platform of the train station. Date unknown. Saranac Lake, NY. Courtesy of the personal archives of Andrew Fortune and the Fortune Funeral Home.
Horse-drawn wagon, possibly bearing caskets to be loaded into trains. Bodies were frequently shipped in pine boxes aboard trains, though they were usually loaded in the middle of the night so passengers would be unaware they were sharing train cars with the deceased. Date unknown. Saranac Lake, NY. Courtesy of the personal archives of Andrew […]
People standing outside a train that has gone off the rails. Date unknown. Ray Brook, NY. Courtesy of Historic Saranac Lake.
Built by the Delaware and Hudson Railroad, Union Station grew to become the largest station on the line north of Utica. It handled up to 20 trains per day during its busiest years, which were 1912-1940. The trains carried goods, supplies and tourists into and out of Saranac Lake. 1909. Saranac Lake, NY. Courtesy of […]
An aerial view of the railroad tracks between Lake Placid and Saranac Lake. Date unknown. Lake Placid and Saranac Lake, NY. Courtesy of the Saranac Lake Free Library.
An unidentified taxi driver, waiting to take tourists from the train, sleeps in his cab. Circa 1940s. Saranac Lake, NY. Courtesy of the Saranac Lake Free Library.
The Meadowbrook farm crew. Meadowbrook farm was founded as a model dairy, demonstrating the latest hygienic standards for milk production. Its barn is now the clubhouse of the Saranac Lake Golf Club in Ray Brook. Circa 1900-1910. Ray Brook, NY. Courtesy of Historic Saranac Lake.